Donations of over $2.00 to Pama Language Centre are tax deductible.
100% of your donation will go toward Pama Language Centre projects.

Pama Language Centre develops immersive teaching systems that ancestral language teachers and their students love.
Students at Hope Vale school are proud to have their own beautiful Guugu Yimidhirr language workbooks!

Pama Languages Press promotes First Nations Languages literacy and supports professional pathways for emerging First Nations Languages authors. Our ebooks include highlighted read-aloud text and colour coded interlinear translation. All ebooks are read aloud by their authors.

Puppets are a great way to encourage language transmission. Our puppets like to do shows and chat with students. We are developing more puppet characters from our language lessons and stories for classrooms and daycare centres across Cape York.

Animations are a great way to engage the language classroom and demonstrate verb actions, changes of state, personal pronoun paradigms and cultural practices.