DRIL workshop by the Resource Network for Linguistic Diversity (RNLD), Aurukun, supported by Pama Language Centre and the State Library of Queensland.
DRIL workshops are conducted by the Resource Network for Linguistic Diversity http://www.rnld.org as part of their Documenting and Revitalising Indigenous Languages (DRIL) training program http://www.rnld.org/DRIL#DRIL.
The DRIL workshop was held at the Aurukun Indigenous Knowledge Centre (IKC) and led by RNLD trainers Ebony Joachim and Andrew Tanner from Tuesday 21st March to Thursday 23rd March 2017.
This workshop was timely and empowering, giving the Aurukun ICLDC5 delegates an opportunity to follow up their inspiring and informative experience in Hawaii with some practical strategies and methods for revitalising and maintaining their languages.
Participants shared their language expertise and learned about language maintenance techniques at the workshop including learning about language nests and master-apprentice models and how these methods might be applied in the Aurukun context. Further information about the master-apprentice model and its origins is available from RNLD at http://www.rnld.org/MALLP
We also learnt about how to write the sounds of a language and different techniques for teaching languages.
Rose Warsow, Indigenous Languages Project Officer from the State Library of Queensland, also presented at the workshop about SLQ resources for Indigenous Languages.
An excellent workshop, we hope the first of many DRIL workshops at Aurukun, and our deepest thanks to RNLD and the State Library for making it possible.

DRIL workshop by the Resource Network for Linguistic Diversity (RNLD), Hope Vale, supported by Pama Language Centre and the State Library of Queensland.
The DRIL workshop was held at the Hope Vale Indigenous Knowledge Centre (IKC) and led by RNLD trainer Ebony Joachim on 23rd and 24th April 2018.